HABIT: Red Pea Eggplant is a slender prickly scrambling shrub, with prickles curved,
broad-based, yellowish and numerous along the stems, otherwise almost hairless.
LEAVES: Leaves are rounded-ovate in outline, bluntly 3-5-lobed, 2-7 cm long, 1-4 cm
wide, hairless or slightly star-shaped, with a few prickles along the leaf-stalk and midrib.
FLOWERS: Flowers are borne in 3-9-flowered clusters in leaf-axils, on short flower-cluster-
stalk. Flowers are 1.2-1.6 cm long, deeply lobed, star-shaped-velvet-hairy outside, purple,
reflexed; stamens protruding, anthers 7 mm long, yellow. Flower-stalks are 1-2 cm long,
widely divergent. Sepal-cup 3 mm long, with narrow teeth, sparsely velvet-hairy outside.
FRUITS: Fruits are scarlet, round, about 1.5 cm in diameter. |