HABIT : A very prickly diffuse bright-green herb, prickles yellow, sharp, straight,
LEAVES : Ovate or elliptic, acute at the apex, truncate at the base, stellately hairy on both
sides, prickly along the nerves, irregularly lobed, petiolate, petioles stellately hairy.
INFLORESCENE : Extra-axillary few-flowered cyme, peduncles prickly. |
FLOWERS : Pedicellate, pedicels stellately hairy, prickly.
Calyx campanulate, densely hairy, prickly, lobes ovate-oblong.
Corolla purple, lobes triangular, hairy outside.
FRUIT : Globose, yellow. Seeds subreniform, minutely foveolate. |
Solanum virginianum L. is useful for treating cough, chest pain, vomiting, hair fall, leprosy, itching scabies, skin diseases and cardiac diseases associated with edema. |
The fruits are known for several medicinal uses like anthelmintic, antipyretic, laxative, anti-inflammatory, anti-asthmatic and aphrodisiac activities. |
The fruit paste is applied externally to the affected area for treating pimples and swellings. |
The various parts of the plant are reputed in indigenous Hindu Medicine to have high medicinal value in various diseases like cough,asthma,fever,heart disease etc |