HABIT : Shrub. |
LEAVES : Very strong smelling, leaflets 11-25, ovate, serrate, shining. |
FLOWERS : White in small panicles.Calyx hairy.
Petals linear-oblong, gland-dotted.
Stamens 10, filaments dilated at the base.
Ovary 2-celled, ovule one.
FRUIT : Fruit in close clusters, oval pointed, dark-red berries. |
Essential oil Murraya koenigii is used as sun protection and erythema agent in formulation. |
Studies for structure function of Murraya koenigii show trypsin inhibitor by a compact structure of helical content at increasing temperature as a inhibitory function of the protein. |
The effects of column extract of Murraya koenigii show a protective effect in Dalton's Ascitic Lymphoma. |
The Murraya koenigii is beneficial in bruises, eruption and to treat bites of poisonous animals. |
Orofacial dyskinesia (OD) is treated by Murrya koenigii for the prevention or treatment of neuroleptic-induced. |
The aqueous extract of Murraya koenigii show Larvicidal, pupicidal repellent and anti-vector activity against the larvae and pupae is seen. |