HABIT : A small tree. |
LEAVES : Imparipinnate, leaflets 3-7, alternate, ovate-elliptic, acute, glabrous and oblique, shining. |
FLOWERS : White, very fragrant, solitary or in terminal and axillary corymbs.
Sepals small, glandular.
Petals 5, white, oblong-lanceolate, imbricate.
Stamens 10, free, disk present.
Ovary 2-celled, seated on the disk.
Style falls of soon.
FRUIT : Berry red when ripe, round or ovoid. |
Chinese box is a commonly used traditional medicine through most of its native range. |
It is considered to be analgesic, to activate blood circulation and relieve contusions. |
There has been some research into the medicinal properties of the plant, and several medicinally active compounds have been isolated. |
The leaves contain 0.01% of an essential oil with cadinene and sesquiterpene. They also contain coumarins. |
The flowers also contain essential oil; the glucosides murrayin and scopolin; murrayetin, and indol. |
The bark of the stems and roots is astringent. It is used in the treatment of diarrhoea. |