ORDER | : Caryphyllales |
FAMILY | : Caryophyllaceae |
GENUS | : Mollugo L. |
SPECIES | : cerviana (L.) Ser. |
BOTANICAL NAME | : Mollugo cerviana (L.) Ser. |
SYNONYMS | : --- |
COMMON NAME | : Thread-stem carpetweed. |
TAMIL NAME | : Chitam |
HINDI NAME | : Chirighas |
HABIT: Thread-Stem Carpetweed is a spreading, often overlooked, annual herb, mostly less than 10 cm tall. |
LEAVES: Leaves are up to 11 per node, linear, 0.6-2.0 cm long, about 1 mm broad; stipules falling off. |
FLOWERS : Flower-stalks are up to 1.4 mm long, slender, hairless. Bracts linear, about 1 mm long. Tepals are free, up to 2 mm long in fruit, slightly inflexed, greenish with a membranous margin, elliptic-oblong. Stamens are 5, alternating with the tepals; filaments dilated at the base, slightly longer than the sepals. |
FRUIT: Capsules are spherical, seeds numerous, angular, with a single low ridge on the keel. |
Thread-Stem Carpetweed is said to have medicinal properties. The plant is cooked as a vegetable and gives as a remedy for fever. |
Leaves are chewed to treat cough, constipation, and reduce hangover. |
Mollugo cerviana is a common medicinal herb of the Indian subcontinent and has been traditionally used for its fever mitigating anti-microbial and hepatoprotective action. |
We have already reported the rich presence of radical scavenging phytochemicals in the plant extracts and their strong antioxidant properties. |