HABIT : A diffuse undershrub, armed with prickles. |
LEAVES : Sensitive, digitate, stipules linear-lanceolate, leaflets 12-20 pairs, linear-oblong. |
INFLORESCENCE : Globose head. |
FLOWERS : Pink, peduncles prickly. Calyx very small.Corolla pink, lobes 4, ovate oblong.
Stamens 4, much exserted, anthers not gland-crested.
Ovary sessile, ovules many.
FRUIT : Pods curved, moniliform, 3-5 seeded. |
It majorly possesses antibacterial, antivenom, antifertility, anticonvulsant, antidepressant, aphrodisiac, and various other pharmacological activities. |
The herb has been used traditionally for ages, in the treatment of urogenital disorders, piles, dysentery, sinus, and also applied on wounds. |
M. pudica is also used to avoid or cure several disorders like cancer, diabetes, hepatitis, obesity, and urinary infections. |