ORDER | : Malvales |
FAMILY | : Malvaceae |
GENUS | : Hibiscus L. |
SPECIES | : cannabinus L. |
BOTANICAL NAME | : Hibiscus cannabinus L. |
SYNONYMS | : --- |
COMMON NAME | : Kenaf. |
TAMIL NAME | : Palungu. |
HINDI NAME | : Patsan. |
HABIT: A prickly shrub having branched tap root system. |
LEAVES : Broad, cordate, upper lobed, serrate. |
INFLORESCENCE : Solitary axillary. |
FLOWERS : Yellow.Epicalyx of 7-10 free, bracts with prickly margins. Calyx 1 inch long, prickly, with a gland at the base of each lobe. Corolla yellow with purple centre. |
FRUIT : Capsules ovoid, beaked, hairy.Seeds large, brown with minute scales. |
In ayurvedic medicine, the leaves are used to treat various disorders, such as of the blood, diabetes, bilious, the throat, and coughs. |
Furthermore, flower juice and seed are consumed for biliousness and bruises. |
The flowers were considered emollient, and an infusion of the petals was used as a demulcent. |