Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.

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ORDER : Malvales
FAMILY : Malvaceae
GENUS : Hibiscus L.
SPECIES : rosa-sinensis L.
BOTANICAL NAME : Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.
SYNONYMS : Hibiscus rosa-sinensis var. rosa-sinensis
COMMON NAME : China Rose, Shoe-Flower
TAMIL NAME : sembaruthi
HINDI NAME : gurhal


HABIT:  Shrub.
HABIT:  An ornamental evergreen shrub having branched tap root system.
STEM :  Woody and solid but herbaceous at upper portion,aerial, Erect, branched, cylindrical, solid and glabrous.
LEAVES :  Ramal and cauline, stipulate, petiolate, simple, alternate, ovate, serrate, acute, glabrous, unicostate reticulate venation.
INFLORESCENCE :  Solitary axillary.
FLOWER :  Ebracteate, pedicellate, complete, hermaphrodite, actinomorphic, pentamerous, hypogynous, cyclic, large, red or variously coloured. Epicalyx 5 or more, free, green. Calyx made up of sepls 5, gamosepalous, campanulate, valvate, green. Corolla made up of 5 petals, polypetalous but fused at the base, adnate, shape obovate and margin sinuous, twisted and red. Androecium made up of many stamens, monadelphous, epipetalous, staminal tube fused with corolla and red in colour, anthers are monothecous, reniform, attached transversely to the filament, extrorse and red coloured. Gynoecium composed of pentacarpellary, syncarpous, superior pentalocular, many ovules in each locule, axile placentation, styles 5, united below but free at their tips, stigmas 5, capitate, and coloured.
FRUIT:  5-valved, loculicidal capsule
SEEDS:  Small, endospermic.


The roots of the Hibiscus rosa-sinenesis are used for cough treatments.
The leaves of the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis are used as a laxative.
The flowers of this plant may be used if you become infected with a type of E. Coli causes diarrhea.
The Hibiscus rosa-sinensis has anti-diarrhea properties.
The flowers are also used for fertility treatments.
In India, the flowers of the Hibiscus rosa-sinenesis are ground with henna and used as a female contraceptive.


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