HABIT : An annual herb, hairy. |
LEAVES : Alternate or subopposite, about 3 inches large, ovate, obtuse, wavy, cordate, oblique and decurrent, hairy, petioles slightly winged. |
INFLORESCENCE : Simple or forked extra-axillary scorpioid spikes, 2-ranked. |
FLOWERS : White or pale-violet. Calyx deeply 5-partite, hairy.
Corolla funnel-shaped, lobes 5, orbicular.Stamens 5, filaments short.
Ovary 4-celled, with one ovule in each cell, style terminal, stigma with an annular frill.
FRUITS : Pyrenes bilobed. |
Moreover, H. indicum is also used to treat rheumatism ulcer, venereal disease, fever, sore throat, and sores in the rectum. |
The Heliotropium species plants in the history of folk medicines provide cures for gout, inflammation, skin disorders, menstrual dysfunction, rheumatism, and noxious bites. |
The decoction of the leaves is recommended fro scabies. |
The decoction of the plant is very efficient for various ulcers and internal sores which tend to be transformed into cancer. |
The fresh juice of the leaves, in drops is helpful for conjunctivitis. |