ORDER | : Malvales |
FAMILY | : Malvceae |
GENUS | : Gossypium |
SPECIES | : herbaecum |
BOTANICAL NAME | : Gossypium herbaecum L. |
SYNONYMS | : Gossypium mexicanum |
COMMON NAME | : Mexican cotton. |
TAMIL NAME | : Paruthi. |
HINDI NAME | : Karpasi. |
HABIT : An annual erect hairy, herb. |
LEAVES : Leaves divided to the middle cordate, usually with a gland on the midrib, 3-5-7 lobed, hairy, stipules lanceolate. |
FLOWERS : Yellow, axillary. Epicalyx ovate, slightly connate below. Calyx truncate, shorter than epicalyx. Corolla yellow with purple base, petals obovate. Stamens many, monadelphous, staminal tube encloses the ovary and the style, anthers one-celled, reniform, pollen yellow. Gynoecium-carpels 3, syncarpous, placentation axile, style long, stigmas 5. |
FRUIT : Capsules ovoid-globose. Seeds 6-7, ovoid, comose with white hairs all round. |
It is also known to be used after birth to expel the placenta and to increase the lactation, as well as for gastrointestinal issues, such as hemorrhages and diarrhea, for nausea, fevers and headaches. |
In the Levant seeds of Gossypium herbaceum were also used for food, feed or oil extraction. |