HABIT : A large tree with smooth, grey bark, aerial roots none or few. |
LEAVES : Ovate-elliptic to oblong-elliptic, entire, glabrous, stipules 2, imbricate, pubescent, linear-deltoid, deciduous. |
INFLORESCENCE : Hypanthodium, globose to pyriform, pubescent, peduncled, androgynous solitary or binate, borne on the short, leafless scallybranchlets, from the trunk or larger branches, basal bracts 3, borne at the apex of the peduncle. |
FLOWERS : Staminate florets sessile, few diandrous, situated near the mouth of the receptacles. Gall flowers long stalked. Pistillate florets numerous, subsessile, smaller than the staminate florets. |
FRUIT : Synconusorange-red to red, fleshy. |
The ancient system of Indian medicine, for various diseases/disorders including diabetes, liver disorders, diarrhea, inflammatory conditions, hemorrhoids, respiratory, and urinary diseases. |
Its latex and some fruit extracts are used by indigenous communities to treat skin disorders, inflammation, piles, vomiting, leprosy, malaria, nose-diseases and cancer besides the use as a general tonic. |
The plant is also used as antimicrobial, antinociceptive, antipyretic, hypotensive and anti-dysentery remedy. |