HABIT : A tall tree often epiphytic, aerial roots are rare. |
LEAVES : Alternate, cordate or broadly ovate-obcuneate, acuminate to a long neck, glabrous, margins undulate, petioles 9 cm long, stipules intrapetiolar. |
INFLORESCENCE : Hypanthodium, globosely turbinate, androgynous sessile in axillary pairs, the apex truncate or subacute, with few brown spots, basal bracts 3, unequal, slightly imbricate. |
FLOWERS : Florets few, obracteolate, gall florets many.Tepals 2 or 3, valvate, staminate florets monandrous.Ovary sessile, style 1 mm long. |
FRUIT : Synconus somewhat dry. |
Ficus religiosa L. has been extensively used in traditional medicine for a wide range of ailments of the central nervous system, endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, reproductive system, respiratory system and infectious disorders. |
F. religiosa is being used to cure various infections and food poisonings. |
Leaves are used in conditions like vomiting, gonorrhea etc. these can also be consumed in the form of juice in conditions like asthma, cough, diarrhea, gastric problems. |
Stem can be used in treatment of urinary disorders and problems of digestive system. |