Evolvulus alsinoides (L.)

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ORDER :  Solanales
FAMILY :  Convolvulaceae
GENUS :  Evolvulus L.
SPECIES :  alsinoides (L.) L.
BOTANICAL NAME :  Evolvulus alsinoides (L.) L.
SYNONYMS :  Evolvulus tenuis Mart. ex Choisy
COMMON NAME :  Dwarf morning glory.
TAMIL NAME :  Vishnukranthi
HINDI NAME :  Vishnukrantha.


HABIT :  A perennial, prostrate herb with stems appressedly hairy or at times nearly glabrous.
LEAVES :  Hairy on both sides, oblong, elliptic or orbicular, reture, or mucronulate at the tip.
INFLORESCENCE :  Solitary axillary, peduncles filiform.
FLOWERS :  Bracteate, bracts lanceolate, pedicellate, pedicels filiform. Calyx densely silky, lobes lanceolate. Corolla rotate, blue.Stamens equal, styles two, each divided into two clavate stigmas.
FRUIT :  Globose, seeds 4, black, glabrous.


Different parts (root, stem, leaf, and flower) of E. alsinoides L. (methanolic extract) were tested against the pathogens. It is reported that the root had maximum activity than other parts against all the pathogens.
E. alsinoides L. was tested for antimicrobial activity against various bacteria and fungi in the order ranging from 50 to 150 μL. The extract showed significant results against gram (+), gram (−) bacteria, and fungi; the maximum clearance was observed at a higher concentration.
A study was carried out to investigate the dermal wound-healing potential of E. alsinoides L. (aerial parts) in comparison with pure alkaloid betaine. Results showed that E. alsinoides L. has promising wound-healing potential and can be used in the treatment of wounds.


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