HABIT : A creeping, perennial, much-branched herb with stout fusiform roots. |
STEM : Branches divaricate, stem puurrplish, thickened at nodes. |
LEAVES : Opposite, oblique, ovate or suborbicular, rounded, entire, margis slightly pinkish, wavy, lower surface with small, white scales, base rounded. |
INFLORESCENCE : Small umbels forming Corymbose, axillary and terminal panicles. |
FLOWERS : Bracteoles lanceolate, acute. Perianth-tube constricted above the ovary, limb funnel-shaped, dark-pink, with 5 vertical bands outside.Stamens 2 or 3, slightly exserted, unequal.Ovary superior, oblique, ovule 1, erect, stigma peltate. |
FRUIT : Achene rounded, 6-ribbed. |
SEEDS : Minute, albuminous with perisperm. Embryo curved. |
FLOWERING AND FRUTING TIME : September-December. |