Calotropis procera (Aiton)

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ORDER : Gentianales
FAMILY : Apocynaceae
GENUS : Calotropis R.Br.
SPECIES : procera (Ainton) W.T. Ainton
BOTANICAL NAME : Clotropis procera (Ainton) W.T.Ainton
SYNONYMS : Asclepias procera Aiton
COMMON NAME : Rubber Bush, apple of sodom, french cotton, sodom apple
TAMIL NAME : vellai erukkan, vellai erukku
HINDI NAME : Aak, Mudar.


HABIT:  Shrub.
HABIT: A large shrub, much branched, contains milky latex.
STEM:  Herbaceous, lower portions woody, aerial, erect, branched, cylindrical, solid, lower portions smooth, upper portions covered with woolly hairs, pale green, contains milky latex.
LEAVES:  Cauline and ramal, acute, hairy, woolly, unicostate reticulate, hermaphrodite, pentamerous, hypogynous and cyclic.
INFLORESCENCE:  Polychasial cymes.
FLOWER:  Large, purplish, sometime white, not scented, bracteates, bracteolate, pedicellate, complete, actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, pentamerous, hypogynous and cyclic. Calyx made up of 5 sepals, polysepalous, quincuncial. Corolla made up of 5 petals, gamopetalous, twisted, coloured. Stamens 5, united with the stigma to form gynostegium, each stamen is represented by two pollinia with their retinaculae. The pollinia of the adjacent anthers are joined by their retinaculae to corpusculum in a groove, to form a unit known as translator. A coronary outgrowth is present at the back of each stamen. Carpels 2 distinct, ovaries free but upper portion of style and stigma are fused, superior, placentation marginal, ovules many per locule, stigmatic head pentagonal.
FRUIT:  Etaerio of follicles.
FLOWERING AND FRUITING:  Throughout the year.


The powdered leaves are used for the fast healing of wounds, as a purgative and to treat indigestion.
They are also used to treat skin disorders and liver problems.
The plant is also known for its use in folk medicines. Traditionally, the plant has been used as an antifungal, antipyretic and analgesic agent.
The dried leaves used as an expectorant, and anti-inflammatory, for the treatment of paralysis and rheumatic pains.
The dried latex and dried root are used as an antidote for snake poisoning. It is also used as an abortifacient, for the treatment of piles and intestinal worms.
The capsulated root bark powder is effective against diarrhoea and asthma.


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