HABIT: Herb, up to 60 high. Aeschynomene indica L. Herb, up to 60 high. |
STEM: branches slender glabresent. |
LEAVES: Leaves opposite, imparipinnate; leaflets opposite, oblong, 18 - 57, 9 - 27-pairs, oblong, 2.5 - 04 x 1.2 - 1.7 mm, oblique at base, entire, reddish at margin, obtuse-retuse at apex, glabrous; nerves less; petiole 0.2 mm long. Stipule decurrent. |
INFLORSCENCE: Raceme axillary, up to 2 cm long, short. |
FLOWERS: Flowers ca. 07 mm across, yellow with purple striate; pedicel 04 mm long; bracts perfoliolate like, decurrent, ovate, 02 mm long, serrate with hairy at margin, acute at apex; bracteoles united with calyx base, sessile, ovate, 08 mm long, serrate below central at margin. Calyx 2-lipped; upper 2-lobed, obovate-oblong, 3.2 x 03 mm across. Petals 5, exserted; standard obovate-suborbicular, 07 mm across, bulboses hairy at margin, retuse at apex; wings obovate, 6.2 mm long, slightly oblique at base, rounded at apex, one side bulboses hairy at margin; keels falcate, oblonceolate, 6.5 mm long, rounded-truncate at apex. Stamens 10; filament, slender, unequal, 06 - 07 mm long; anther 2-ceeled, oblong, 0.5 mm long. Ovary stalked stipitate, subflatteded, 04 mm long; 2-loculed; ovules 3 - 8; style slender 2.5 mm long, glabrous; stigma subcapitate. |
FRUIT: Pod oblong, flattened, up to 1.5 cm long, falcate, 03 mm long, beaked-aristate, at apex; seeds 3 - 10, reniform. |