Aeschynomene indica L.

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ORDER : Fabales
FAMILY : Fabaceae
GENUS : Aeschynomene L.
SPECIES : indica L.
BOTANICAL NAME : Aeschynomene indica L.
SYNONYMS : Aeschynomene cachemiriana Cambess. , Aeschynomene diffusa Willd.
COMMON NAME : Indian jointvetch
TAMIL NAME : Chatai, kitai, kitaichchi, netti, takkaippuntu
HINDI NAME : Didhen, Phulan


HABIT:  Herb, up to 60 high. Aeschynomene indica L. Herb, up to 60 high.
STEM:  branches slender glabresent.
LEAVES:  Leaves opposite, imparipinnate; leaflets opposite, oblong, 18 - 57, 9 - 27-pairs, oblong, 2.5 - 04 x 1.2 - 1.7 mm, oblique at base, entire, reddish at margin, obtuse-retuse at apex, glabrous; nerves less; petiole 0.2 mm long. Stipule decurrent.
INFLORSCENCE:  Raceme axillary, up to 2 cm long, short.
FLOWERS:  Flowers ca. 07 mm across, yellow with purple striate; pedicel 04 mm long; bracts perfoliolate like, decurrent, ovate, 02 mm long, serrate with hairy at margin, acute at apex; bracteoles united with calyx base, sessile, ovate, 08 mm long, serrate below central at margin. Calyx 2-lipped; upper 2-lobed, obovate-oblong, 3.2 x 03 mm across. Petals 5, exserted; standard obovate-suborbicular, 07 mm across, bulboses hairy at margin, retuse at apex; wings obovate, 6.2 mm long, slightly oblique at base, rounded at apex, one side bulboses hairy at margin; keels falcate, oblonceolate, 6.5 mm long, rounded-truncate at apex. Stamens 10; filament, slender, unequal, 06 - 07 mm long; anther 2-ceeled, oblong, 0.5 mm long. Ovary stalked stipitate, subflatteded, 04 mm long; 2-loculed; ovules 3 - 8; style slender 2.5 mm long, glabrous; stigma subcapitate.
FRUIT:  Pod oblong, flattened, up to 1.5 cm long, falcate, 03 mm long, beaked-aristate, at apex; seeds 3 - 10, reniform.


The herb leaves used for snakebite, kidney stones and urinary disorders
The plant extract has spermicidal activity.
The herb leaves used for snakebite, kidney stones and urinary disorders
The plant extract has spermicidal activity
The herb leaves used for snakebite, kidney stones and urinary disorders
The plant extract has spermicidal activity


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