HABIT : Annual, diffuse, erect or ascending herbs, 15 - 50 cm tall, somewhat thickened and woody at base. |
STEM : simple or branched glandular, hairy, striate. |
LEAVES : Broadly ovate, elliptic or obovate, acute or subacute at apex, tapering at base appressedly hairy on both surfaces, entire along the margins; petioles 0.3 - 1.6 cm long, pubescent. |
Flowers : Flowers small, whitish or greenish - white, in axillary spikes on 2 - 4, 0.5 - 3.0 cm long culminating into interrupted panicles at the end of the branches due to suppression of upper leaves.Staminodes 5; filaments pale - yellow.Stigmas 2. |
FRUITS : Utricle minute, broadly ovoid, subacute, smooth, shining, 1 - seeded. |
SEEDS : black, shining, smooth, acute at one end, with margins outside. |
FLOWEING AND FRUITING TIME : September - January. |