ORDER | : Caryophyllales |
FAMILY | : Portulacaceae |
GENUS | : Portulaca L. |
SPECIES | : quadrifida L. |
BOTANICAL NAME | : Portulaca quadrifida L. |
SYNONYMS | : --- |
COMMON NAME | : Chicken weed |
TAMIL NAME | : Pasali keerai. |
HINDI NAME | : --- |
HABIT : A small, annual, diffuse, herb with filiform glabrous stem, rooting at the base. |
LEAVES : Fleshy, ovate, acute, opposite, 0.25-0.5 inch long, stipules a ring of silvery hairs, petioles short. |
FLOWERS : Solitary, terminal almost sessile, surrounded by silvery hairs and an involucre of 4 leaves. Sepals 2, oblong. Petals 4, yellow, oblong-obovate. Stamens 8. Ovary semi-inferior, 1-celled, style slender, 4-fid. |
FRUITS : Conical, pyxidium. Seeds minute. |
It is used as a vegetable and also used for various curative purposes. |
It is said to be useful in asthma, cough, urinary discharges, inflammations and ulcers. |
Portulaca oleracea has been used as a folk medicine in many countries, acting as a febrifuge, antiseptic, vermifuge, and so forth |