HABIT : A perennial slender, aromatic climber, glabrous with branches soft angular and grooved when dry, perennial woody roots, creeping and jointed stems. |
LEAVES : Numerous, broadly ovate or oblong-oval, dark green and shining above, pale and dull beneath. The older leaves are dentate, dark in color and heart shaped.
The younger leaf is ovate in shape and contains 5 veins on them.Lower leaves long-petioled, ovate-cordate upper narrower oblong-cordate sessile amplexicaul.
INFLORESCENCE : Male spikes 1-3 in. female 0.5-2/3 in. |
FLOWERS : Flowers are monoceous and male and female flowers are borne on different plants. |
Fruits : Fleshy fruits embedded in the spikes, long, attains red color when ripens and on drying becomes black colored. It is one inch in diameter. |
FLOWERING AND FRUITING TIME : During Monsoon season. |