Piper longum L.

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ORDER : Piperales
FAMILY : Piperaceae
GENUS : Piper L.
SPECIES : longum L.
BOTANICAL NAME : Piper longum L.
COMMON NAME : Long pepper.
TAMIL NAME : Tippili


HABIT :  A perennial slender, aromatic climber, glabrous with branches soft angular and grooved when dry, perennial woody roots, creeping and jointed stems.
LEAVES :  Numerous, broadly ovate or oblong-oval, dark green and shining above, pale and dull beneath. The older leaves are dentate, dark in color and heart shaped. The younger leaf is ovate in shape and contains 5 veins on them.Lower leaves long-petioled, ovate-cordate upper narrower oblong-cordate sessile amplexicaul.
INFLORESCENCE :  Male spikes 1-3 in. female 0.5-2/3 in.
FLOWERS :  Flowers are monoceous and male and female flowers are borne on different plants.
Fruits :  Fleshy fruits embedded in the spikes, long, attains red color when ripens and on drying becomes black colored. It is one inch in diameter.
FLOWERING AND FRUITING TIME :  During Monsoon season.


Pippali is certainly one of the most widely used of all Ayurvedic herbs.
It is one of the best herbs for enhancing digestion, assimilation and metabolism of the foods we eat.
It is also highly prized for its ability to enhance assimilation and potency of herbs in a synergistic formula


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