Phyla nodiflora (L.)

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ORDER : Lamiales
FAMILY : Verbanaceae
GENUS : Phyla Lour.
SPECIES : nodiflora (L.)
BOTANICAL NAME : Phyla nodiflora (L.) Greene
SYNONYMS : Lippa nodiflora (L.) Michx
COMMON NAME : Frog Fruit, Turkey Tangle, Creeping Lip Plant
TAMIL NAME : potutalai
HINDI NAME : chota okra, jal buti.


HABIT :  Herb.
HABIT :  A small, perennial herb with stems creeping and rooting at nodes, more or less square and hairy.
LEAVES :  Small, opposite, spathulate, base cuneate, apex rounded, upper part deeply serrate, hairy.
INFLORESCENCE :  Axillary globose heads which later on elongate and become spicate.
FLOWERS :  Closed, bracteates, bracts elliptic or obovate. Calyx deeply bilabiate, compressed, hairy. Corolla white pale-blue, bilabiate, upper lip erect, bifid, the lower 3-lobed, the central lobe the largest. Stamens 4, didynamous, included. Ovary 2-celled, ovules 2, stigma oblique.
FRUITS :  Drupe dry, splitting into 2, 1-seeded pyrenes.
FLOWERING AND FRUITING TIME :  Throughout the year.


The plant is anodyne, antibacterial, deobstruent, diuretic, emmenagogue, parasiticide and refrigerant.
It is used in the treatment of hookworm.
The juice of the plant is cooling and is used to relieve fevers, coughs and colds.
The aroma of the inhaled plant is breathed in to treat coughs and colds.
The juice of the root is used in the treatment of gastric troubles.


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