HABIT : Herb. |
HABIT : A small, perennial herb with stems creeping and rooting at nodes, more or less square and hairy. |
LEAVES : Small, opposite, spathulate, base cuneate, apex rounded, upper part deeply serrate, hairy. |
INFLORESCENCE : Axillary globose heads which later on elongate and become spicate. |
FLOWERS : Closed, bracteates, bracts elliptic or obovate.
Calyx deeply bilabiate, compressed, hairy.
Corolla white pale-blue, bilabiate, upper lip erect, bifid, the lower 3-lobed, the central lobe the largest. Stamens 4, didynamous, included.
Ovary 2-celled, ovules 2, stigma oblique.
FRUITS : Drupe dry, splitting into 2, 1-seeded pyrenes. |
FLOWERING AND FRUITING TIME : Throughout the year. |