Pedalium murex L.

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ORDER :  Lamiales
FAMILY :  Pedaliaceae
GENUS :  Pedalium L.
SPECIES :  murex L.
BOTANICAL NAME :  Pedalium murex L.
SYNONYMS :  Pedalium microcarpum Decne.
COMMON NAME :  Lrge caltrops, crow thorn.
TAMIL NAME :  aanai-nerunchi, peru – nerunchi, kaakkai-mul.
HINDI NAME :  Bada gokhuru.


HABIT :  A diffuse annual, much branched herb with roots similar to turmeric in colour.
LEAVES :  Simple, opposite, ovate or oblong-obovate, truncate or obtuse, irregularly and coarsely crenate-serrate, glabrous above, minutely scaly below, petiolate.
FLOWERS :  Pedicellate, calyx teeth linear, scaly outside, persistent. Petals connate into a broad tube, lobes obtuse. Stamens included, filaments dilated, glandular hairy at the base, anthers kidney-shaped.
FRUIT :  Indehiscent, abruptly narrowed at the base and with a patent spreading spine at each basal corner of the broader part, spine 2-4 mm long. Seeds 2 or 1 per locule, oblong.
FLOWERING AND FRUITING TIME :  During monsoon season.


Whole plant - Urinary problem, urinary calculi, urinary troubles, dieurtic, male fertility disorder, leucorrhoea.
Fruits -Diabetes, demulcent, antispasmodic and aphrodisiac, Gonorrhoea.
Root- anti-bilious, calm body heat, virility, Pousthik.
Leaves- Ulcers, dysuria, Bone fracture, diarrhea, splenic enlargement, diabetes, Gonorrhoeal rheumatism, Aphrodisiac, Demulcent.


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