ORDER | : Geaniales |
FAMILY | : Meliaceae |
GENUS | : Melia |
SPECIES | : azedarach L. |
BOTANICAL NAME | : Melia azedarach L. |
SYNONYMS | : Melia azedarach var. japonica (G. Don) Makino |
COMMON NAME | : Chinaberry tree, Persian lilac, Pride of India. |
TAMIL NAME | : kattu vembhu. |
HINDI NAME | : Bakain. |
HABIT : A large tree. |
LEAVES : Imparipinnate, leaflets 3-11, ovate acute, serrate, oblique. |
FLOWERS : Fragrant, lilac, in long axillary panicles, staminal tube purple. |
FRUIT : Drupe ellipsoid, 4-seeded. |
Bark and fruit extract is used to kill parasitic roundworms. In Manipur, leaves and flowers are used as poultice in nervous headache. |
Leaves, bark and fruit are insect repellant. Seed-oil is used in rheumatism. |
Wood-extract is used in asthma. |
Roots are bitter, astringent, anodyne, depurative, vulnerary, antiseptic, anthelmintic, constipating, expectorant, febrifuge,antiperiodic, and bitter tonic in low doses. |