Medhuca longifolia

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ORDER : Ericales
FAMILY : Sapotaceae
GENUS : Madhuca Buch.-Ham. ex J.F. Gmel.
SPECIES : longifolia (J. Koenig ex L.) J.F. Macbr.
BOTANICAL NAME : Madhuca longifolia (J. Koenig ex L.) J.F. Macbr.
SYNONYMS : Bassia longifolia J. Koenig
TAMIL NAME : kattiruppai, illupei
HINDI NAME : gilaunda, gulu, vanprasth


HABIT:  Tree.
HABIT :  A large tree with a short trunk and rounded crown.
LEAVES :  Elliptic, about 10 to 11 inches long, bluntly acuminate, acute at base, coriaceous, lateral nerves about 12 pairs, parallel and prominent below.
INFLORESCENCE :  Dense fascicles near the ends of branches.
FLOWERS:  Calyx 4-lobed, divided nearly to the base, the 2 outer subvalvate and enclosing the 2 inner. Corolla fleshy, yellow, lobes 7-9, erect, ovate-lanceolate, caducous. Stamens inserted on the tube of the corolla, 24-26 in 3 rows, anthers hairy at the back. Ovary red-hairy style long-exserted, hairy at the base.
FRUIT :  Berry ovoid, fleshy, greenish, 1-4 seeded.


The mahua trees are a treasure to mankind with all medicinal properties that can cure a wide range of diseases. The extract prepared from mahua flowers works against bronchitis, heart diseases, tonsillitis, polyuria, leucorrhea, and menorrhagia.
The tree bark is used for treating chronic bronchitis, diabetes, bleeding, rheumatism, and so on.
The plant leaves are great medicine for hemorrhoids and rheumatism.
The roots of the plant have effective results against diarrhea, inflammation, and fever.
Mahua has anti-ulcer properties and works effectively by providing better relief from symptoms of peptic ulcers.
Modern studies have proved that monounsaturated fatty acids present in mahua seeds, especially oleic acid, helps to reduce the bad cholesterol levels (LDL) which is the main cause of coronary heart disease.
Mahua acts as an expectorant to minimize the thickness of mucus production.
Epilepsy is a disorder where a patient is affected with Seizures or fits because of abnormal brain activity. Indian tribe people still use mahua as a natural treatment to fits.


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