ORDER | : Vitales |
FAMILY | : Vitceae |
GENUS | : Cyphostemma |
SPECIES | : setosum ( Roxb.) Alston |
BOTANICAL NAME | : Cyphostemma setosum (Rocb.) Alston |
SYNONYMS | : --- |
COMMON NAME | : Bristly wild grape. |
TAMIL NAME | : Kangu kelari, Pulipirandai. |
HINDI NAME | : Harmal. |
HABIT : Bristly Wild Grape is a succulent climber clothed with bristly hairs. |
LEAVES : Leaves are trifoliate rarely lower ones simple, fleshy, nearly stalkless, shortly stalked, elliptic, ovoate to obovate, blunt, rounded at the base, stringly sawtoothed, up to 7 x 5 cms. Lateral veins are obscure. |
FRUIT: berry ovate, densely bristly, bright red when ripen, 1-seeded, seeds ovoid, deeply pitted and rounded toothed on the margins. |
The leaves are applied to ulcers to promote suppuration and to assist in the extraction of Guinea worms. |