Cymbopogan citratus (DC.)

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ORDER : Poales
FAMILY : Poaceae
GENUS : Cymbopogan Spreng.
SPECIES : citratus (DC.) Stapf
BOTANICAL NAME : Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf
SYNONYMS : Andropogon citratus DC.
COMMON NAME : Lemon Grass
TAMIL NAME : Karpura Pullu
HINDI NAME : Chaipatt


HABIT :  Grasses.
HABIT :  A tall perennial herbs.
STEM :  A short, oblique, annulate, springly branched rhizome, usually barren, but occasionally giving rise to a stout erect culm upto over 1.8 m high, 7-8 noded and simple below the panicle.
LEAVES :  Leaf blades linear 90 cm long by 16-18 mm wide, very firm, glaucous-green, glabrous, smooth or more or less rough upwards and along the margins; midrib somewhat stout below, whitish on the upper side; lateral nerves 4-6 on each side.Ligules very short, scarious, rounded or truncate. Sheaths terete.
INFLORESCENCE :  Spatheate panicle decompound to subdecompound, loose 30 to over 60 cm long, nodding; internodes 4 to over 6. Spatheoles very narrow, linear-lanceolate, 14-18 mm long, acute or finely acuminate. Peduncles 6-10 mm long, glabrous. Racemes 2-nate, 14-25 mm long, pale.
FLOWERS :  Homogamous pair of spikelets 1 at the base of the sessile raceme. Fertile spikelets linear to linear-lanceolate, acutely acuminate, 5-6 mm long, reddish, glabrous, callus short, obtuse, minutely bearded. Involucral glumes subequal, lower subchataceous, slightly depressed towards the base, keels acute, scaberulous above, intracarinal nerve 0 or 1, short or distinct, upper boat-shaped. Lower floral glume hyaline, linear-oblong, sub 2-nerved, slightly shorter than the involucral glumes, upper narrowly linear, acute about 4 mm long, awnless. Anthers 2 mm long. Pedicelledspikelets male or neuter, linear to subulate-lanceolate; lower involucral glume 5-9-nerved, upper 3-nerved; lower floral glume shorter to much shorter than the involucral glumes, hyaline, ciliolate, upper very narrowly linear, nerveless if present at all.


Antioxidants of note are chlorogenic acid, isoorientin, and swertiajaponin. These antioxidants may help prevent dysfunction of cells inside your coronary arteries.
Lemongrass tea may help treat oral infections and cavities, thanks to its antimicrobial properties.
Two of the main compounds in lemongrass, citral and geranial, are thought to be responsible for its anti-inflammatory benefits.
The citral in lemongrass is also thought to have potent anticancer abilities against some cancer cell lines. This occurs either by causing cell death directly or boosting your immune system so that your body is better able to fight-off cancer on its own.
Lemongrass is a known diuretic. A diuretic makes you urinate more often, ridding your body of excess fluid and sodium. Diuretics are often prescribed if you have heart failure, liver failure, or edema.


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