ORDER | : Cucurbitales |
FAMILY | : Curcubitaceae |
GENUS | : Cucumis |
SPECIES | : maderaspatanus |
BOTANICAL NAME | : Cucumis maderaspatanus L. |
SYNONYMS | : --- |
COMMON NAME | : Madras pea pumpkin |
TAMIL NAME | : Ayileyam |
HINDI NAME | : Bilari |
HABIT : Prostrate or climbing, scabridly hairy, monoecious annual herbs. |
LEAVES : Entire or shallowly 35 angled or lobed, ovate-triangular, seldom subreniform. |
FLOWERS : Pale to bright-yellow, male and female in same axil, male pedicellate, female sessile. |
FRUIT : Berries, spherical, glabrous, smooth. Seeds grey or light black, ovoid-oblong, compressed, somewhat wrinkled, scrobiculate. |
It is often used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, fractures, and back or leg pain. |
An adverse reaction to Cervus and cucumis polypeptide injection has been reported. |
A decoction of young shoots and leaves is used as an aperient, especially for children, and is also taken to treat vertigo and biliousness |
The leaf-sap is used as a wound-dressing. A poultice of the leaves is used in the treatment of burns |