Croton bonplandianus Baill.

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ORDER : Malpighiales
FAMILY : Euphorbiaceae
GENUS : Croton L.
SPECIES : bonplandianus Baill.
BOTANICAL NAME : Croton bonplandianus Baill.
SYNONYMS : Croton sparsiflorus Morong
COMMON NAME : Bonpland's croton
TAMIL NAME : Reilpoondu
HINDI NAME : Kala Bhangra


HABIT :  Tall herbs.
LEAVES :  Ovate-lanceolate, serrate, biglandular at base, opposite or whorled at ends of branches, stellate hairy beneath.
FLOWER :  Pale-creamy-yellow or nearly white, androgynous spikes, males fascicled above, females solitary below.
FRUIT :  Capsule 3-angled, stellately hairy, oblong or roundish, separating into 3 cocci.
SEEDS:  Seeds shining, spongy, oblong with a white cap.
FLOWERING AND FRUTING TIME :  Almost throughout the year.


Croton bonplandianum Baill used traditionally for curing different types of health related problems:  gastro intestinal disorders (cholera, boils, bowel complaints, diarrhoea, dysentery, insanity, acute constipation, abdominal dropsy, internal abscesses), respiratory diseases (cold and cough , lungs infection, bronchitis, asthma), hepatic problem (jaundice, liver complaints), analgesic (reduce pain, sprains, headache), it is also used for the treatment of scurvy, malaria, chicken pox, eye diseases, skin diseases, rheumatism, epilepsy and many other diseases.
For Chologogue and purgative this is the most important plant.
From the literature it has been recognized and reported that the leaves extract was used for the treatment of cancer, venereal diseases, ulcer and so on.


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