ORDER | : Brassicales |
FAMILY | : Cleomaceae |
GENUS | : Cleome L. |
SPECIES | : viscosa L. |
BOTANICAL NAME | : Cleome viscoma L. |
SYNONYMS | : Arivela viscosa (L.) Raf. |
COMMON NAME | : Asian spider flower. |
TAMIL NAME | : Naikkaduku. |
HINDI NAME | : Bagra. |
HABIT : An annual erect herb having tap root system. |
STEM : Erect, well branched, herbaceous, green, solid and pubescent. |
LEAVES : Ramal and cauline, alternate, exstipulate, palmately compound, tri- to pentafoliate,petiolate but pinnae are sessile, ovate-lanceolate, hiry, acute, multicostate reticulate venation. |
INFLORESCENCE : Racemose raceme. |
FLOWERS : Bracteate, pedicellate, complete, hermaphrodite, actinomorphic, tetramerous, hypogynous, generally yellow coloured with very long pedicel. Calyx composed of 4 sepals, polysepalous, valvate, sepals arranged in two whorls of two each. Corolla composed of 4 petals, polypetalous, clawed, imbricate, yellow coloured. Androecium made up of many stamens (12-24), polyandrous, dithecous, basifixed, introrse, filament long and anther lobes curved. Gynoecium bicarpellary, syncarpous, superior, single locule with many ovules, parietal placentation, gynophore is present but very short, style short, stigma sticky and capitate. |
FRUIT : A capsule |
Cleome viscosa L. (Cleomaceae) is an important traditional medicine of the Indian-Ayurvedic and Chinese-medicine system documented for rheumatic arthritis, hypertension, malaria, neurasthenia, and wound healing. |
The plant is also known as Asian spider flower and is distributed throughout the greater part of India. |
Spider flower is considered a medicinal plant. Its leaves can be dried and used to make a tea that prevents scurvy |