ORDER | : Sapindales |
FAMILY | : Rutaceae |
GENUS | : Citrus L. |
SPECIES | : medica L. |
BOTANICAL NAME | : Citrus medica L. |
SYNONYMS | : --- |
COMMON NAME | : Citron. |
TAMIL NAME | : Kommatti- matulai |
HINDI NAME | : Galgal. |
HABIT: A small tree, young shoots purple. |
LEAVES: Unifoliate, petioles naked orwinged, ovate, serrate. |
FLOWER: White, unisexual, Calyx copular. |
Petals 4-8, linear oblong, white tinged with red, imbricate. |
Stamens 20-80, filaments variously connate, anthers oblong. |
Disk large, Ovary many celled, stigma capitate. |
FRUIT: Berry globose or oblong, yellow when ripe, rind rough and thick and irregularly shaped. |
FLOWERING AND FRUITING TIME: Throughout the year. |
The fruit has numerous nutraceutical benefits, proven by pharmacological studies; for example, anti-catarrhal, capillary protector, anti-hypertensive, diuretic, antibacterial, antifungal, anthelmintic, antimicrobial, analgesic, strong antioxidant, anticancerous, antidiabetic, estrogenic, antiulcer, cardioprotective, and antihyperglycemic. |
Juice- It is indicated in mostly digestion related problems. It also acts in stimulating liver for proper secretion of bile juices. It is also given in conditions like nausea. |
Leaves are externally used in case of pains and inflammation on the external body part. |
It is also used on skin disorders and also relieves from itching. Paste made out of seeds is also very helpful in scorpion bite. |