Citrus medica L.

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ORDER :  Sapindales
FAMILY :  Rutaceae
GENUS :  Citrus L.
SPECIES :  medica L.
BOTANICAL NAME :  Citrus medica L.
COMMON NAME :  Citron.
TAMIL NAME :  Kommatti- matulai
HINDI NAME :  Galgal.


HABIT:  A small tree, young shoots purple.
LEAVES:  Unifoliate, petioles naked orwinged, ovate, serrate.
FLOWER:  White, unisexual, Calyx copular.
Petals 4-8, linear oblong, white tinged with red, imbricate.
Stamens 20-80, filaments variously connate, anthers oblong.
Disk large, Ovary many celled, stigma capitate.
FRUIT:  Berry globose or oblong, yellow when ripe, rind rough and thick and irregularly shaped.
FLOWERING AND FRUITING TIME:  Throughout the year.


The fruit has numerous nutraceutical benefits, proven by pharmacological studies; for example, anti-catarrhal, capillary protector, anti-hypertensive, diuretic, antibacterial, antifungal, anthelmintic, antimicrobial, analgesic, strong antioxidant, anticancerous, antidiabetic, estrogenic, antiulcer, cardioprotective, and antihyperglycemic.
Juice- It is indicated in mostly digestion related problems. It also acts in stimulating liver for proper secretion of bile juices. It is also given in conditions like nausea.
Leaves are externally used in case of pains and inflammation on the external body part.
It is also used on skin disorders and also relieves from itching. Paste made out of seeds is also very helpful in scorpion bite.


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