Carica papaya L.

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ORDER :  Brassicales
FAMILY :  Caricaceae
GENUS :  Carica L.
SPECIES :  papaya L.
BOTANICAL NAME :  Carica papaya L.
SYNONYMS :  ----
COMMON NAME :  Papaya, Melon tree.
TAMIL NAME :  pappali
HINDI NAME :  Papita.


HABIT :  A small tree usually dioecious with milky juice.
LEAVES :  Spirally arranged, exstipulate, long-stalked, palmately divided usually 7-fid, lobes ovate, acute, variously lobed.
FLOWERS :  Bisexual and unisexual.
The plants being monoecious or dioecious, the female inflorescences are one to three-flowered, while the terminal flowers are sometimes bisexual or pure female.
The flowers are pentamerous and regular.
Male flower-Calyx 5 lobed, small, petals 5, united into a slender tube, lobes contorted or valvate.
Stamens 10 in two whorls at different levels on the petals, anthers, erect, introrse.
Female flower-solitary axillay or in clusters.
Calyx as in male, petals at first connivent but finally free, no staminodes, ovary superior, sessile, one celled, unilocular, ovules many, anatropous, on parietal placentas, on 5-lines from the wall.
Style short, stigmas 5, lobed.
FRUIT :  A big fleshy berry.
SEEDS :  Many, black ovoid, endosperm and aril present.


Different parts of C. papaya, including its leaves, bark, roots, latex, fruit, flowers and seeds, have a wide range of reputed medicinal applications, mostly used in traditional medicine.
C. papaya ripened fruits for topical ulcer dressing to promote desloughing, granulation, healing, and reducing odour in chronic skin ulcers.
Papain plays an important role in biological processes in all living organisms. Papain, also called as papaya proteinase I, is a cysteine protease enzyme present in papaya.


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