HABIT : It is an erect, annual herb and 30-90 cm tall with upper part of stem quadrangular while the lower part nearly rounded stem. |
LEAVES : Leaves are opposite sessile or subsessile, linear-lanceolateor lanceolate, 3-8 cm long, acute, glabrous or minutely puberulous beneath and base cuneate, margin slightly undulate. |
FLOWERS : Flowers are pedicelled, biliped, white-purple or spotted purple and solitary. Pedicel is 2.5–10 mm in size, slender and glandular pubescent. Bracts are acicular and 2.5 mm long. Calyx lobes are subacute, 2.5-3.7 mm long and glandular. Corolla is 7.5-12.5 mm in size, tube about half as long as the corolla. Filaments are hairy and anthers are purple beared at base. |
FRUIT : Fruit is a capsule, oblong, 18-20X4.5–5.0 mm, young ones sparsely glandular and hairy; when mature it is glabrous. Seeds are subquadrate, yellow to brownish in colour and rugose. |
FLOWERING AND FRUITING TIME : October – December (North India). |