Alternanthera sessilis (L.)

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ORDER : Caryophyllales
FAMILY : Amaranthaceae
GENUS : Alternanthera Forssk.
SPECIES : sessilis (L.) R.Br. ex DC.
BOTANICAL NAME : Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R.Br. ex DC.
SYNONYMS : Gomphrena sessilis L.
COMMON NAME : Sessile Joyweed
TAMIL NAME : Ponnanganni
HINDI NAME : Garundi, Guroo


HABIT:  Herb
HABIT :  An erect or prostrate herb, 10 - 30 cm tall, rooting at the lower nodes.
STEM :  Simple or branched, yellowish - green, deep - green or reddish - purple, shining, quadrangular at first, terete when old, with longitudinal row of hairs on two opposite sides and also with transverse lines of hairs at nodes, internodes 4 - 7 cm long.
LEAVES :  Sessile or sub - sessile, opposite, 1 - 5 x 0.7 - 1.5 cm, elliptic-oblong, obovate - oblong or oblanceolate, rounded, obtuse or sub - acute at apex, tapering or acute at base, entire along the margins, glabrous or thinly hairy.
FLOWERS :  Small, about 1.5 - 2 mm long, whitish or with a pinkish tinge, in axillary globose condensed spikes, anthers 1 - celled.
FRUIT :  Utricles 2 mm long, obcordate, deeply emarginated, brownish or straw - coloured, glabrous, falling off with the perianth.
SEEDS :  1 - 1.5 mm in diameter, glabrous, ovoid.
FLOWERING AND FRUITING TIME :  Almost throughout the year.


Including Sessile joyweed leaves in your regular diet may cure Gonorrhea condition. This herb can help in curing infertility in the male body.
The benefits of Sessile joyweed can be seen in case of cancer as it acts like a resistor to it. The nutritional elements present in this herb get mixed in the blood and destroy the harmful elements in the human body.
The herb helps by improving the central nervous system. It also cures other diseases or health problems related to the nervous system.
Sessile joyweed can help in curing the inflammation of irritating sensation in the urinary tract.
Sessile joyweed also shows its medicinal benefits in Jaundice.
Sessile joyweed promotes hair growth.


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