Acalypha indica L.

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ORDER :  Malpighiales
FAMILY :  Euphorbiaceae
GENUS :  Acalypha L.
SPECIES :  indica L.
BOTANICAL NAME :  Acalypha indica L.
SYNONYMS :  Acalypha chinensis Benth.
COMMON NAME :  Indian copperleaf.
TAMIL NAME :  Kuppai- meni.
HINDI NAME :  Kuppi.


HABIT :  Small annual herbs, erect, at times diffuse, 30-120 cm high.
STEM :  Simple or branched, deep-green, hirsute, angular, hairy and deeply grooved in younger parts, more or less terete, glabrous and faintly straite in older.
LEAVES :  Alternate, ovate, rhomboid-ovate, sometimes obovate, subacute or obtuse at apex,cuneate or tapering at base, serrate only in the upper part along the margins, dark-green above, pale-green below, glabrous or thinly hairy, petioles 3-8 cm long, hairy, stipules small.
INFLORESCENCE :  Androgynous spikes 2.5 - 6 cm long, axillary white - pubescent.
FLOWERS :  Male flowers minute, pale-greenish-yellow, condensed in the upper part, followed by a tuft of sterile flowers. Females lax, in the lower half, scattered, 3-5 leafy, large, dentate, many-nerved bracts. Sepals4, petals 0, stamens 8, filaments free, ovary 3-celled, styles filiform.
FRUITS :  Capsules 1-2 mm in diameter, green pubescent, dehiscent, concealed in the bract.
SEEDS :  3, about 1 mm in diameter, lead-coloured or pale brown, glabrous, along ovoid, smooth.


Acalypha indica has the capability to serve as anthelmintic, anti-inflammation, anti-bacterial, anti-cancer, anti-diabetes, anti-hyperlipidemic, anti-obesity, anti-venom, hepatoprotective, hypoxia, and wound healing medicine.
It is well-known for treating respiratory issues, rheumatoid arthritis, scabies, insect bites, and it also aids in the healing of wounds.
Bronchitis, amniocentesis, mouth ulcers, asthma, pneumonia, and epilepsy are all treated with a decoction produced


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