HABIT : Small annual herbs, erect, at times diffuse, 30-120 cm high. |
STEM : Simple or branched, deep-green, hirsute, angular, hairy and deeply grooved in younger parts, more or less terete, glabrous and faintly straite in older. |
LEAVES : Alternate, ovate, rhomboid-ovate, sometimes obovate, subacute or obtuse at apex,cuneate or tapering at base, serrate only in the upper part along the margins, dark-green above, pale-green below, glabrous or thinly hairy, petioles 3-8 cm long, hairy, stipules small. |
INFLORESCENCE : Androgynous spikes 2.5 - 6 cm long, axillary white - pubescent. |
FLOWERS : Male flowers minute, pale-greenish-yellow, condensed in the upper part, followed by a tuft of sterile flowers. Females lax, in the lower half, scattered, 3-5 leafy, large, dentate, many-nerved bracts. Sepals4, petals 0, stamens 8, filaments free, ovary 3-celled, styles filiform. |
FRUITS : Capsules 1-2 mm in diameter, green pubescent, dehiscent, concealed in the bract. |
SEEDS : 3, about 1 mm in diameter, lead-coloured or pale brown, glabrous, along ovoid, smooth. |
Acalypha indica has the capability to serve as anthelmintic, anti-inflammation, anti-bacterial, anti-cancer, anti-diabetes, anti-hyperlipidemic, anti-obesity, anti-venom, hepatoprotective, hypoxia, and wound healing medicine. |
It is well-known for treating respiratory issues, rheumatoid arthritis, scabies, insect bites, and it also aids in the healing of wounds. |
Bronchitis, amniocentesis, mouth ulcers, asthma, pneumonia, and epilepsy are all treated with a decoction produced |