Abutilon indicum (L.)

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ORDER :  Malvales
FAMILY :  Malvaceae
GENUS :  Abutilon Mill.
SPECIES :  indicum (L.) Sweet
BOTANICAL NAME : Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet
SYNONYMS :  Sida asiatica L.
COMMON NAME :  Indian Mallow, Country Mallow.
TAMIL NAME :  thuthi
HINDI NAME :  Kanghi


HABIT :  An erect shrub, hairy.
STEM :  Herbaceous, aerial, erect, cylindrical, branched, solid, pubescent and green.
LEAVES :  Cauline and ramal, alternate, suborbicular, broadly ovate, acuminate, velvety on both sides, simple, stipulate, petiolate, deltoid, serrate, slightly hairy, multicostate, reticulate, divergent type.
INFLORESCENCE :  Solitary axillary.
FLOWERS :  Bright-yellow, opening in the evening, bracteates, pedicellate, complete, actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, pentamerous, hypogynous and cyclic. Epicalyx absent. Calyx of 5 sepals, gamosepalous, free at the tips, valvate, persistent, green.Corolla yellow, about 3 cm in diameter, made up of 5 petals, polypetalous, slightly connate at the base and adnate to staminal tube, twisted. Androecium consists of indefinite stamens, monadelphous forming a tube around the style, the tube being united with the petals (epipetalous). In the upper part of the staminal tube are borne monothecous and extrorse anthers. Gynoecium multicarpellary, syncarpous, carpels with a distinct acute point, hairy, shining, ovary superior, multilocular, with one ovule in each locule, placentation axile, style long and stigmas as many as carpels.
FRUIT :  Multiridged Capsule (carserule)
SEEDS :  Reniform, blackish-brown, minutely pitted and stellate-hairy.
FLOWERING AND FRUITING TIME :  Throughout the year.


Atibala acts as a demulcent, aphrodisiac, laxative, diuretic, and sedative.
It has been used to treat inflammation, piles, gonorrhoea, and boost immunity.
Aphrodisiac, anti-diabetic, antipyretic, anthelmintic, nerve tonic, and diuretic are properties of the root and bark. It may be useful in treating haematuria and leprosy.
Seeds: Urinary problems may be treated using seeds. The seeds are also used as a laxative in piles and as a remedy for cough. Puerperal sickness and chronic dysentery can also be treated with the seeds from this plant.
According to the Chinese in Hong Kong, the seeds are used as an emollient and demulcent.
The juice from its leaves has been used to make an ointment to help heal ulcers quickly.
Its extract is also used to treat bronchitis, diarrhoea, gonorrhoea, and bladder inflammation and reduce fever.
Atibala can also be used to clean wounds as well as to treat vaginal infections and as an enema.


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