Tridax procumbens L.

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ORDER : Asterales
FAMILY : Asteraceae
GENUS : Tridax L.
SPECIES : procumbens L.
BOTANICAL NAME : Tridax procumbens L.
COMMON NAME : Tridax daisy, Coat Buttons.
TAMIL NAME : Kinarruppacan, Vettukkayappuntu.
HINDI NAME : Kanphuli, Kumra.


HABIT:  A small, straggling, procumbent, perennial hairy, herb.
LEAVES :  Opposite, ovate-elliptic, acute, deeply inciso-dentate, hairy-glandular.
INFLORESCENCE :  Capitulum (Head)
FLOWERS :  Pale-yellow in very long, peduncled, solitary heads, hairy. Involucral bracts hairy. Ray florets ligulate, yellow, pappus of numerous unequal feathery bristles. Disk florets bisexual, corolla regular, tubular, pentafid. Anthers sagittate.
FRUITS :  Cypsela oblong, densely covered with silky hairs, black.
FLOWERING AND FRUITING TIME :  All the year round.


Aqueous leaves extract possesses cardiovascular effect and significantly reduces heart rate and blood pressure.
Lyophilized aqueous leaf extract showed anti-inflammatory action comparable to ibuprofen and aspirin.
It is active against bacteria, protozoa and fungi. Leaf juice is useful in dead space wound healing.
Dry extract showed antibiotic activity even when formulated in mineral base.


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