ORDER | : Lamiales |
FAMILY | : Acanthaceae |
GENUS | : Justicia L. |
SPECIES | : simplex D. Don. |
BOTANICAL NAME | : Justicia simplex D. Don. |
SYNONYMS | : --- |
COMMON NAME | : Simple Justicia |
TAMIL NAME | : --- |
HINDI NAME | : --- |
HABIT: Simple Justicia is a wiry perennial herb. |
STEM: Stems prostrate and rooting at the nodes, thinly bifariously velvet-hairy. |
LEAVES: Leaves are ovate-elliptic, 1.5-3 x 0.7-1.7cm, pointed, narrowed at base, thinly hairy on both surfaces; leaf-stalk 0.3-1.2 cm. |
FLOWERS: Flowers are borne in short, simple, hairy spikes, at branch-ends, sometimes slightly interrupted below, 1.5-5 x 0.5-1 cm, flower-cluster-stalk 2-4 cm. Bracts are similar to and equalling sepals. Sepal-cup is about 6 mm, 5-lobed with one lobe reduced in size, sepals linear-lanceshaped, scarious-margined with green midrib. Flowers are pink,about 6 mm, hairless except for a few hairs on lip, lower lip bent downwards, very shallowly lobed. Anthers do not protrude out. |
FRUIT: Capsule are about 6 mm, hairless or with few hairs on tip. |
Justicia simplex D. Don. belonging to the family of Acanthaceae has been traditionally used for treatment of rheumatism, inflammation and bronchitis. |
The plant is traditionally considered as an anticancer medicine and is used by healers of Karnataka to treat various types of cancers. |