HABIT: Decumbent herb about 50 cm tall, usually rooting at the nodes. Plants perennial or annual, not cespitose, 1-10 dm; roots fibrous. |
STEM: Stems prostrate, procumbent, or decumbent, pilose. |
LEAVES: Leaves sessile or petiolate; petiole to 0.6 cm; blade green, obovate to oblong, 1.5-7.5 × 0.5-2.5 cm, apex rounded or obtuse, pilose-sericeous. |
INFLORESCENCE: Inflorescences heads white tinged with pink or red, globose to short-cylindric, 9-13 mm diam.; bractlets with denticulate crests along keel. |
FLOWER: Flowers tube densely lanate; perianth lobes white, narrowly oblong, 4-5 mm, apex attenuate. |
FRUIT: Fruit an utricle, ovoid, 2.2 mm, apex acute. Seeds 1.2 mm. |
Gomphrena serrata belongs to the family Amaranthaceae comprises many species which are used in nutrition and traditional folk medicine. More effective against diarrhea, hay fever, pains, carminative, bronchial asthma, diabetes, and dermatitis. |
leaves and flower is a folk remedy for oliguria, heat and empacho, hypertension, antimicrobial, antioxidant, cough, diabetes, hypertension, kidney problems, hoarseness, bronchitis and other respiratory disorders. |