Aristolochia indica Linn.

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ORDER : Piperales
FAMILY : Aristolochiaceae
GENUS : Aristolochia L.
SPECIES : indica L.
BOTANICAL NAME : Aristolochia indica L.
COMMON NAME : Indian birthwort.
TAMIL NAME : Ishvara muli.
HINDI NAME : Isharmul


HABIT:  It is a greenish or pale to dark colored perennial climber with woody stem.
ROOT:  Tap root, long, cylindrical, branched, irregularly bent, about 3 to10 mm in diameter, grayish-brownish externally, smooth, finely wrinkled, inner surface white, fracture short and splintery, taste strongly bitter, odor characteristic.
STEM:  Twining, slender, woody at the base, grooved, glabrous, brownish externally, smooth, finely wrinkled, inner surface white, fracture short and splintery, taste strongly bitter, odor characteristic.
LEAVES:  Simple, alternate, linear-oblong to obovate oblong or subpanduriform, obtusely acuminate, entire with somewhat undulate margin, glabrous, cuneate at base, rounded, sub-truncate or subcordate, 3.5 to 12.5 cm long and 1.5 to 7.5 cm broad, taste bitter, odor characteristic.
FLOWER:  In few flowered axillary racemes, bracts small, ovate, acuminate, opposite to the pedicels, pedicel long, thickened above, perianth greenish white, up to 4.5 cm long with globose inflated base, bent at right angle and suddenly narrowed into a cylindrical tube with oblique trumpet-shaped mouth gradually passing into a long narrow, linear-oblong, obtuse brownish lip. Anthers 6, style 6-lobed.
FRUIT:  A capsule, 4 to 5 cm long, oblong or globose-oblong opening from below upwards, 6 valved, the pedicel split into 6 filaments.
SEED:  Deltoid, ovate, acute, flat, winged


Roots and rhizome are used as gastric stimulant and bitter tonic.
Aristolochic acid is used for stimulating phagocytosis in infectious diseases in combination with antibiotics.
Juice of leaves are used in cough and seeds in inflammation and biliousness.


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