ORDER | : Magnoliales |
FAMILY | : Annonaceae |
GENUS | : Annona L. |
SPECIES | : squamosa L. |
BOTANICAL NAME | : Annona squamosa L. |
SYNONYMS | : --- |
COMMON NAME | : Sugar apple, Custard apple. |
TAMIL NAME | : Sitapalam. |
HINDI NAME | : Sharifa, Sitaphal. |
HABIT : A small tree. |
LEAVES : Simple, alternate, exstipulate, oblanceolate, entire, obtuse. |
INFLORESCENCE : Axillary, 2 or more flowers arise in axil of leaf. |
FLOWERS : Bracteate, complete, hermaphrodite, actinomorphic, trimerous, hypogynous. Calyx made up of 3 sepals, gamosepalous, valvate. Corolla made up of 3 petals, polypetalous, valvate, pale-yellow. Stamens numerous, arranged spirally over a conical receptacle, filaments short, anthers appendaged.Gynoecium polycarpellary, apocarpous, superior, spirally arranged, one ovule in each carpel, basal placentation, style short, stigma tapering and papillose. |
FRUIT : An etaerio of berries. |
SEEDS : Smooth and blackish. |
Annona squamosa seed powder is utilised to abolish lice, leaf extract is used to pacify boils and treat ulcers, and the fruit acts as a sedative in cases involving heart ailments and can be used to alleviate vomiting and treat tumours. |
The bark and leaves contain annonaine, an alkaloid. |
In tropical America, a decoction of the leaves is used as a cold remedy and to clarify urine. |
A bark decoction is used to stop diarrhea, while the root is used in the treatment of dysentery. |